Tesla Valuation Calculator
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Tesla Automotive Valuation
Tesla is one of the largest positions in our Global Fund, and we are excited about the long term investment opportunity. As part of our investment process, we identify the fundamental variables most important for determining long term value, called the Key Value Drivers. We think deeply about what these variables might be in 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. By focusing on these Key Value Drivers, we are able to block out the noise, and focus on what matters for long term investors. This calculator takes you through these Key Value Drivers, allows you to insert your own assumptions, and see how that affects the valuation.
Tesla is on track to deliver approximately 1.8 million vehicles in 2023. They have the Cybertruck launching and a more affordable model expected to compete with.
The Gross Profit Margin was 29% in 2022, but dropped to under 20% in 2023 due to price cuts. As with all manufacturing companies, as the company scales up its manufacturing, the Gross Profit Margin should also increase.
Currently, the average selling price of a Tesla is approximately $48,000. However, they will be releasing a mass market vehicle likely to compete with more affordable vehicles like the Toyota Corolla.
Full Self Driving is a feature for sale only in approved jurisdictions and today, only ~7% of Tesla vehicles are paying users.
Today, it costs $15,000.
Historically, Tesla has spent ~10% of revenues on operating expenditures including Research & Development, Sales and Administrative expenses and 5-10% of revenues on capital expenditures for plant development etc.
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